Creating Value through Digital Innovation

Transforming ideas into digital solutions. Building digital organizations and bringing along our way of working. We put our skin in the game financially, for real.

See what our Client's aspirations are

How do we work? #EnrianWay

Building on your Ideas

We are analyzing Innovation opportunities and building enterprise-grade digital solutions. We always start from an idea, not specs. To cut the red tape, we work directly with our client's top management teams while being hands-on anywhere it matters to get the work done.

We like the thrill of running against tight deadlines.

Sharing Risks (and Gains)

We prefer to link our compensation to specific performance indicators of our client's business or even to become financial partners in their ventures. Why? It helps us stay flexible and able to re-focus on what brings the most value.

Even if it is something extra or completely different from the original plan.

Blending and adapting

We mix senior business and tech skills as peers. And to boost creativity, we combine business advisory practices with the latest techniques and technology tools for digital solution design and delivery.

During the projects, we continuously adapt our approach, focus, and team configuration to maximize the final result.

You can count on us!

Enrian in numbers

Contact us

Enrian Partners a.s.
Belgická 115/40
120 00 Prague 2
IČO: 03590879
DIČ: CZ03590879

Registered in the Business Register of the District Court of Prague,
Section: B, File No.: 23042

Direct Contact

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